Never take someone for granted

Never take someone for granted.

Hold every person close to your heart..

cuz you might wake up one day,

and realise that you’ve lost a diamond,

while you were too busy collecting stones.


Dipti Malhotra said...

so bloody true!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I was collecting dimes and then landed on a treasure chest. I know what you mean now :D

Param! said...

coco .. so it is!

Param! said...

Angie! ... leave dimes run for treasure... ;P

Toon Indian said...

beautiful thought!!

Param! said...

yeah thanx rahul

♥ ♥ Her- his ° ♥ ♥ said...

u stated a FACT OF LIFE.
Life teaches this lesson 1 day or the other to those who do take ppl for granted.

Param! said...

true... may we value every relation...

Anonymous said...

hey Param! You've been tagged :D

Freelancer said...

hehe...btw what if i m collecting diamonds and found a krpton?? lols

my first visit..nice blog...wil be following yu

Freelancer said...

and err.....can't find the follower thingy in ur blog

Param! said...

hey freelancer..
krpton is fake concentrate on diamonds agn... lolzzz
the follower thingy got misd wile changin template thnx fr remindin.. se ya around..

divsi said...

so true so true...
one addition to ya post if u dont mind:
n neva eva forget sumone whose been thru in ya low times..wen u find sumone whose made u laugh in yr good times..:)

Anonymous said...
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