A to Z Tag

Rules of this shitty shitty tag :

1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share the ABCs of you.
4. Tag 3 people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let the 3 tagged people know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Do not tag the same person repeatedly but try to tag different people, so that there is a big network of bloggers doing this tag!

I was tagged by Angie.

A to Z about me.

A – Available/Single? -
"Khulla Saand" ;P

B – Best friend? -
Hey seemz u're the best!

C – Cake or Pie? -

D – Do I want something right now? -
babes missin ya ;P

E – Essential item you use every day? -
Cell phone, Deo, shampoo.... ..

F – Freedom to me is? -
jus another me...

G – Giggle / Laughter -
makes mmnt precious.

H – Heart / Brain -
a twisted tangle of both.

I – Indulgence? or Addiction? -
Indulgence it is!!

J – July or July? -
it rather be August!!

K – Kids & their names? -
remember 'm still "khulla saand".

L - Life is -
a blessin live up to it!!!!

M – Mistakes!
makes ppl learn not to repeat thm wid me ;P

N – Number of siblings? -

O – One thing I hate to accept? -
anythin annoyin which i feel's nt genuinely said.

P – Pictures / Reality -
living reality while capturin picture to cherish.

Q – Quote for today? -
"oh fucuuuuuk offf"

R – Reason behind my brain working these days? -
Damn!! I'm alive!

S – Season? -
Winters n Spring, bful nature.

T – Tag 3 People? -
Dip, Whysoserioustoday & Sonal.

U – Unknown fact about me? -
like my place tooo uncluttered.

V – Vegetable you don't like? -
Bitter gourd!

W – Worst habit? -
late night sleeep... may be bt who cares...

X – X-rays you've had? -
all my x's knw dem n wrkin on... ;P

Y – Yes?? Yuck??? -
What? This tag is so shitty! Yuck!

Z – Zodiac sign? -


Dipti Malhotra said...

hahaha khulla saands are... very very dangerous

Param! said...

lolzzz ;P

Anonymous said...

Hehehe. Had me giggling, for sure!
Quote for today? -
"oh fucuuuuuk offf"


Freelancer said...

haha...khulla saand...
loved that!!

♥ ♥ Her- his ° ♥ ♥ said...

Hmm...u really Interesting.
Thanks for the tag.