The power of a touch

Too often we underestimate:

The power of a touch,

A smile,

A kind word,

A listening ear,

An honest compliment,

Or the smallest act of caring.

All of which has the potential to turn a life around.


♥ ♥ Her- his ° ♥ ♥ said...

with the power od touch...M touched...!!!
u write so well...
n this pink bckground is soo pretty...!!

gone! said...


So true. I must say, you have an amazing blog.

Anonymous said...

So true, Param! A touch is all that it takes for a woman's 6th sense to buzz I tell ya. She can almost instantly tell what the other (man/woman) is feeling. What about a man? Idk, I ain't a man ;)

Param! said...

thnx ya... ..
Its vry usual thin tht too often we underestimate the power.

Param! said...

u're jus bein magnanimous! nothin to the contents tht u guys hv on ur blogs.. thnx BDW's!

Param! said...

wel said Angie!
it's a gift bestowed to women.. we guys hv to nurture it..
learned it frm my grl too..;P

Dipti Malhotra said...

i agree... well written. simple and to the point and very meaningul